A Dad From Another Dimension, pt.5

Note: This is a random excerpt from a story I’m currently working on. Here’s the jist…

 Earth is not the only messed-up place in the universe. Across the portals, there lies a land with an eternally full moon and an ever-changing sun. A land full of nations, struggles, and cultures completely foreign to Earth known as the Realms. Whenever the Earth and the Realms are both dark- with a new moon and new sun- their realities form a bond- creating portals between the two worlds. Though accidents have happened before, portals are mere swirls of energy- energy that’s good at finding anomalies and sending them back where they came from. 

The fate of the Realms changed drastically when not one but two ruling families found their heirs missing- both now at home in Brookwood, Colorado. One a teenager, the other a baby- both make their homes on Earth, unaware of their origins. Years go by, and the former- crown heir to Murdoch- finds himself a hotel manager with an ever-changing roster of kids and a faith unheard of back home, while the latter, is slowly growing into the giant king he was born to be- finding himself spending half his Walmart paycheck on food. 

However, they will not be the only people portal-jumping. The lost heirs and some of their fellow Earth wanderers band together, crossing over to the Realms for good. They stay together in Mondon, the heart of Murdoch, before splitting across the map of the Realms. They each work to make their home in the Realms somehow- becoming powerful, having families, or just trying to survive. Yet, as their ideals begin to clash, the group crumbles, paving a way for the next generation to reform a once strong alliance. All of them sit in the wake of their own destinies- anxious, curious, and excited to see them unfold but, most of all, wanting freedom.

I feel like Sevrin Jr.’s dining room table could 100% look like this, which is where this scene takes place.

I feel like Sevrin Jr.’s dining room table could 100% look like this, which is where this scene takes place.

“So why’d you do it? Why’d you just up and leave?” Sevrin’s eyes looked earnest, his insides still quaking over the realities ahead of him.

His father sat down at the table next to him, the old wood creaking as he sat. “Weather, to put it blankly,” he chuckled slightly as he said it, turning to an unamused Sevrin Jr. He shifted a bit, “Murdoch’s a dark, dismal place. Love the thing- it’s got its own kind of magic for sure, but it’s so… dark. And cramped. And just- not as glittery and glitzy as everyone else thinks it is.” His eyes shifted to the sun streaming through the smudged glass window, “When I stumbled out here, I immediately fell in love. It was bright and warm- two things Mondon never is.”

“So it was all just weather? How’d you even wind up here in the first place?”

His dad chuckled again, leaning back into the chair, “Well- that was a total accident. We were having a climbing tournament up the stairwell- you’re uncles and I- and I must’ve swung into a portal at just the right time. No idea how or where or why, but suddenly I wasn’t halfway up the castle but in the middle of a park here in Colorado.

I still have no idea what happened and I had no idea how to get back. So, I just kinda wandered around this bright, beautiful park until I figured out what to do. I still looked odd as heck, looking fresh out of a Halloween party or something, but nobody thought much of it as I just sat on the park bench, taking in everything about here.

A few hours later, there was this bright flashing thing that showed up at the other edge of the park. All these glittering rainbows and swirling colors- just like how you saw the portal the other day. When the swirls stopped, I looked in and it was dark- pitch black- with maybe a lantern or two to see anything. I- I just didn’t go in. I can’t really explain why, but my body just didn’t have the motivation to get there before it closed, letting the odd sunset anomaly be just that.

Back home was pressure and darkness and a future I didn’t much want- my Dad had me arranged to marry a girl from someplace or another and being young and dumb, I just didn’t want to. I was the youngest of three so the kingdom didn’t really fall on me, but even if it would’ve- I didn’t want it to. And sure Mondon is flooded with riches and jewels and all the things you could wish for, but it was also so… stagnant. So pleased with its own riches that it never wanted to make itself any better.

Almost all the royal and noble people my age were already or on their way to some sort of crystal addiction, hardly anyone didn’t visit the darker parts of town every so often, and the parties, ugh, the parties just felt like such a chore of absolute insanity. Nobody there had any drive, any ambition, any reason to exist besides wondering how to get all their whims met the quickest. And I just hated it. So, I guess I saw that portal- which was nowhere near the last time one tried to get me back- and I said screw that, I don’t want to go back. And that only got stronger when I made a life here. Perk of walking in Murdochian- and royal- is I was absolutely covered in jewels and metals- things people here go crazy for. Which, I’m glad I didn’t take much off to go climbing that day,” he chuckled, this time Sevrin Jr. breaking a bit of a smile too, “But anyway, first day it was night before I decided to do much of anything- and luckily this small town ain’t too busy at night so I never had to show anyone my sword fighting skills.”

“You sword fight?”

“Used to. Probably a little rusty now- both me and the sword.”

Junior chuckled, “That’s great.”

“Thanks for the support.” He turned forward again, “Anyway, I spent the night there and the next morning figured I’d try to sell what I had to get some money and hopefully get a life going here. Can’t imagine doing all that now though, back then papers and ID’s and all that didn’t matter too much so nobody really cared that the guy looking like a Disney prince wanted to sell them anything they liked. Local pawn shop gave me a pretty hefty sum for all the gold and stuff I threw at them- that Murdochain need to flaunt wealth every five seconds really came in handy, let me tell you.”

“Did you really have that much stuff on you?”

“Oh you better believe it, Junior! I had six rings, a solid gold belt buckle, gem ornaments on my shoes, necklaces, gem-encrusted pockets, silk tops, and golden thread everything- it was stunning. And ridiculous. Definitely both.”

“So you walked outta the pawnshop naked?”

“Pfft,” His dad laughed, “No. That day was a bit of a process between the pawn shop and the thrift shop as I sold one thing then walked over to buy a replacement- at least for the main outfit anyway. I had no idea how to navigate American style though so I’m glad I stuck to some basic colors, all I’ll say. And jeans are just so rough- took me forever to find out how to make those work.”

“So no jeans in Mondon?”

“No jeans in Mondon, kid. All trousers, silk, and gold.”

“How do you not freeze?”

“Oh silk is an incredible fabric. You can make it do almost anything. And besides, you wear warming gems and furs and all the rest of it. Doubt you’ll be needing much before you go- unless you want to bring some Earth wear just to make you feel more normal for a bit.”

Junior just nodded, pondering if he would.

“But anyway. I took my pawn shop money, got a motel room, and just kinda talked my way through the rest of it- found out I needed to get a GED, whatever that was. Studied for it while working at the motel. Then I started community college, got an apartment finally, met your mother, and slowly worked my way up at the motel and just kinda figured this was the life for me. Nobody cared I was a wanderer or stranger- and in fact, most people welcomed me into their circles with open arms when I needed help or didn’t know what I was doing. Your mom got me to go to church with her and I fell in love with that too- a sense of purpose, of meaning, of people who didn’t just want better but believed in a better that already existed and was at work. I loved all of it. And then we had you- and I just fell more in love. Then we just kept being unable to have more, so we started taking in other strangers and wanderers- kids who were stuck or needed help like I did- and we made a house full of ‘em. And I’ve loved every second since- almost forgotten I even spent 17 years of my life in a whole ‘nother universe.”

“But you can’t. At least, I can’t.”

“Look, Junior, I’m sorry. If I’d have known that was going to put so much pressure on you, maybe I wouldn’t have done what I did. But you’re young and dumb too kid, and you can remake and reinvent yourself there- if that’s what you have to do. You may not feel like it but you can ignore those portals just like I did if you want to. That kingdom doesn’t have to matter to you if you don’t want it to. It can be as much a fantasyland as you want it to be.”

Junior sighed, “No, Dad, it can’t.” He shook his head, backing up slightly, “I have to go. This has to end here. I can’t just see what I’ve seen and go back to happy go lucky, everything’s fine here life again. Cause this is gonna follow us and follow us and follow us if we don’t take action. It’s already real to me Dad, I can’t pretend it’s not.”

His Dad sighed too, “You’re a good man, son. You’ll be a good king.”

“Thanks, Dad.” He smiled, “Now that’s a sentence I never thought I’d heard you say.” he laughed.

His Dad laughed too, “yeah, it’s a weird wild world now son. Welcome to the crossover.”

Sevrin thought, “What was it like?”


“When you crossed over? Did you miss anything? Were you scared ? Or lonely?”

“Oh, always. I loved it here but sometimes it was hard. Sometimes I’d take a few steps towards the portal before knowing that’s not what I wanted to go back to.” He looked clear at Junior, “But it was worth it. When I made the choice to make this my home- I did just that. Here is my home and my dreams and my family, through the portal is just old memories and things I don’t want anymore.” He gazed over at the chest in the living room, “Though, I did end up buying a lute on Ebay just to replay some of my old favorites.”

Junior chuckled, “That explains a lot.” 

“Ha, yeah I know I’m a bad player but- when it's nostalgia, it doesn’t need skill. Can’t pull them up on YouTube anyway.”

“Love that for you.” he laughed, “But,” his face got serious again, “I- I’m just scared I think. It feels so overwhelming.”

“It will. If I’d have known I was going to crossover, I don’t know how I would’ve handled it. But Junior, when you set your mind on something- you do great at it. You just do. This isn’t the first or the last time you’re gonna throw yourself into a wild, scary thing and come out as the very best at it. Just, more than anything, cling to what you know. You know we love you, you know God’s with you, you know you’re doing the right things. And go from there. Don’t deconstruct everything just because you’re in a whole new place.”

“Okay, Dad.” he sighed relieved slightly, “Thank you.”

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What We Reflect Through


How I Got Here pt. 1